Assisted Living Solutions

Products for Delivery, Disinfection and Assistance
Techmetics robots are designed to transport and deliver amenities and food supplies in a secured manner while enabling the staff to focus on caring. Our all-new Techi UV disinfection robot is created to fight against bacteria and Viruses which is essential for every assisted living facility. Techmetics will help you find the right robots for your delivery, disinfection and assistance needs ensuring to better care for our senior citizens
Meal Delivery
Seniors never have to wait for a meal. Techi Food cart provides efficient and automated deliveries for your senior guests no matter which floor they’re on. With integrated elevator support and multipoint delivery, the guests will never have to wait.
Facility Disinfection
Our UV robots are designed to disinfect premises killing bacteria and viruses on surfaces by breaking down the DNA structure – both airborne and droplet. The product destroys the pathogens in minutes and disinfects 360°
Linen Delivery
No more going out to give linen supplies. Techi Linen cart will make sure of scheduled and on-demand linen deliveries with its autonomous navigation and automatic cart engagement system.
Make use of Techi Concierge to interact with seniors to give them a never-forgetting experience. It is designed to help with routine queries and respond with guided instructions to simple tasks. Techi Concierge is also suitable for monitoring facility, guiding, and engaging your senior guests in the facility.
Fully autonomous vehicles
Superior Fleet Management system for Multiple Robots
10 various robot solutions options
Patented Liftbot elevator interface technology
Multi-point secured delivery robots
Payload selection from 100 lbs to 550 lbs
Tablet/computer based superior user interface software
Product supports multiple 3rd party interfaces